Friday, January 8, 2010

Feed the Birds- they need you!

With the frigid, below normal temps we're experiencing, the birds need you more than ever. The only way they keep from freezing to death is by generating body heat. And to do that, they need a high fat diet. Suet cakes are perfect food this time of year and they're inexpensive. Suet cakes are made up of  rendered fat and assorted seeds. They draw birds like a magnet. I also feed Birdola seed cakes in a wire feeder. You can see a female cardinal eating from one during the snow storm we just had. (Should I really call it a "snow storm"?)

Here are a few more shots as the snow was really coming down:

So remember, you could be the difference between life and death for our feathered friends. It's not that they would starve without you, but they could freeze to death without enough fat to eat. And don't forget to keep water in the bird baths. I pour hot water on mine in the morning and the birds immediately begin drinking from them. They really appreciate a little TLC this time of year!


  1. Kept mine full. I was rewarded with poop in my hair. thanks birdie

  2. Where are all your fans. thats it. Get a fan page on Facebook. I am lonely as you only fan. Great Blog so get busy

  3. I refilled mine just this morning, and I already have several hungry customers.

