Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hellebores or Lenten Rose

Helleborus orientalis

or Lenten Rose

Could anything be more brave and optomistic than the Lenten Rose? Naturally, because it blooms in winter, Lenten Rose is a must for any southern garden- wait, almost any garden as a matter of fact- because it is hardy from zone 4 to 9. The farther south you are, the more protection from hot afternoon sun this perennial needs.

This is one of those plants that gives so much and asks for so little in return.

Lenten Rose is evergreen and seems to defy logic when it puts out its new leaf growth in fall & winter. Then it really gets brave and graces the garden with unique blooms that brave snow, freezing rain and sleet. The photos are of Lenten Roses in my garden blooming in the snow, where they live under the shade of a Dogwood tree.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kellie and my husband and I own Full Bloom Nursery ( a nursery/garden center in north Georgia, zone 7. Most of my blogs will be related to "Southern Gardening" because that's what I know and us southerners face unique challenges. As Erica Glassner once said in a book, "Does anyone else have to pick Japanese beetles off their plants while standing in a fire ant bed?" Couldn't have said it better myself. But anyway, many of my blogs will be relevant to anyone who loves to garden. We'll talk about soil, pests, tomatoes, and chickens just to get started. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kellie,
    What a lovely post. We'd love for you to submit your content to our blog:!
